2025 REALTOR® of the Year

ROTY Selection Criteria 

The purpose of the REALTOR® of the Year (ROTY) award is to honor the REALTOR® who has made significant contributions to the advancement of the real estate profession and their community. This award recognizes outstanding effort and dedication to the REALTOR® Board, showcases the vital role REALTORS® play in their communities, and highlights their qualifications for leadership positions in business and organizations.

We encourage every member to participate in the nomination process—anyone can nominate a deserving candidate for ROTY! Local members, in particular, are invited to submit nominations, ensuring that all voices are heard in this important recognition.

Beginning this year, we will also be selecting regional ROTY winners from each area: Western, Central, Eastern, Omaha, and Lincoln Regions. The ROTY Committee will select a winner from each Region. That Regional ROTY will be awarded mileage reimbursement, or one night’s hotel stay at Convention and will be recognized at the Grand Luncheon at Convention.

Please remember that it is NOT a requirement for nominees to have previously served as State Association President. We look forward to receiving your nominations!

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2024 ROTY Nomination Applicant Information

Please write any additional information you would like to submit here. 

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Achievements and Contributions
Suggested standards for nominations may be based on the guidelines below. These are not mandatory, but help give direction in choosing nominees.

1.REALTOR® SPIRIT (25%) - high principles of integrity, adherence to the REALTOR® Code of Ethics, and furtherance of principles of good real estate practice among other brokers and the general public.

2.CIVIC ACTIVITY (15%) - local, state and national level participation in civic and service clubs, charitable activities, political commissions, fraternal or religious groups, etc.

3.BUSINESS ACCOMPLISHMENTS (20%) -recognized good business conduct, service to clients, imaginative and creative advertising programs, rehabilitation work, land utilization, etc.

4.LOCAL BOARD ACTIVITY (15%) - Board offices and committee work, special assignments, seminar activity and educational work, membership and offices held in local chapters of Institutes.

5.STATE ASSOCIATION ACTIVITY (20%) - offices held and committee work, attendance and participation at State Conventions, Directors Meetings and Educational Conferences.

6.NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ACTIVITY (5%) - national offices and committee work, membership and work in Institutes, attendance at National Conventions.

Please provide any other supporting materials here.

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Application Items

Please attach a PDF copy of the nominee's professional resume here. 

20MB max

Please attach the first letter of recommendation here. 

20MB max

Please attach the second letter of recommendation here.

20MB max

Please attach the first letter of recommendation here.

20MB max

Please attach the second letter of recommendation here.

20MB max

Please attach a color or black-and-white business photo of the nominee here. 

20MB max

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Nominating Information

Please type your name for a signature ensuring that you have nominated this person and have attached all required information.